Rupert Collyer Clark was born in Leyton, Essex, England on 22 May 1888. It is knot known where or with whom he trained as an architect. In the early 1920s he was in partnership with Ernest Frank Ferry (1880-1946) in Wanstead, London. They were Highly Commended for a bungalow they designed for the Daily Mail Architects Competition for Labour-Saving Bungalows in 1922
Clark was elected a Licentiate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (LRIBA) in 1931. He evidently served with distinction during World War One as he was awarded the Military Medal
His address was given as 40, Chaucer Road, Wanstead, Essex. in 1922; 14 Elmhall, Wanstead, London in 1932; and 6 Woodfield Gardens, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex in 1939; Seven, Thorpe Hall Close, Thorpe Bay, Essex in 1965; and Easton, Cose, Clifton, Clifton, Bristol in 1985*
* Source: The RIBA Directory 1985. Clark was presumably not still practising as an architect as by this date he was nearly 100. Curiously he was still listed as a member in the RIBA list of members in 1996