Fletcher, Janet 1903 - 1999

Janet Fletcher [also known as Janet Pott] was born in London, England on 21 December 1903. In the late 1920s she studied at the Architectural Association Schools  in London and was elected an Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (ARIBA) in 1930. Together with Elizabeth Denby (1884-1965)  she was engaged on schemes that sought to improve working-class living conditions. She was a member of the Kensington Housing Association (KHA) and contributed to the KHA/T exhibition held in Westminster, London in 1931.

While a student at the Architectural Association she met Alison Shepherd (1898-1972) [prior to her marriage in 1928 known as Alison Sleigh]. They collaborated on a number of architectural projects in the early 1930s as J. Shepherd & A. Shepherd and designed a three-bedroomed model flat for the first 'New Homes for Old' exhibition at the Building Trades Exhibition at Olympia in 1932. A kitchen designed by them for a workers' canteen in North Kensington, London is discussed, with a photograph, in Design in Modern Life (London: BBC, 1933 p. x), a pamphlet issued to accompany a series of talks on contemporary design broadcast by the BBC between April and June 1933.

In 1934 she married Anthony P. Pott and was subsequently known as Janet Pott. 

Fletcher's address was given as 52 Campden Hill Square, London in 1933.  In 1932 she visited New York and the following year Australia. Her address was given as Hillcote, Wheathampstead Road, Harpenden, Herfordshire in 1930.

She died in 1999. Her death was registered in Kensington & Chelsea

Worked in

AA Women in Architecture 1917-2017. Edited by Elizabeth Darling and Lynne Walker. London: Architectural Association and the Authors, 2017

Darling, Elizabeth. ‘‘Enriching and enlarging the whole sphere of human activities’: the work of the voluntary sector in housing reform in inter-war Britain’ in Regenerating England: Science, Medicine and Culture in Inter-War Britain. Edited by Christopher Lawrence and Anna-K. Mayer. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2000 pp. 149-178

Pott, Janet. ‘A report on the RIBA symposium 'Design Pays' and survey of private enterprise housing.’ The Builder 16 May 1958 pp. 916-919

Pott, Janet. ‘Sheltered housing for the elderly’. Housing Review vol. 28, no. 5, September/October 1979, pp. 141-144. 

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