William Hunter McNab was born in Stirling [or Clackmannan - sources differ], Scotland on 8 January 1862 and was articled to John Allan (c.1847-1922) in Stirling from 1877 to c.1881. He also attended classes given by Leonard Baker, a teacher who had connections with the South Kensington Science and Art Department. He then worked as an assistant to William Leiper (1839-1916) in Glasgow from 1881 to c.1899. During these years McNab also studied at Glasgow School of Art
In c.1899 Leiper took McNab into partnership in his practice as Leiper & McNab. Leiper retired from the practice in 1909, however, McNab continued to run the business alone until at least 1919 with the title of the firm unchanged. In 1927 he took his son, James (Hamish) McNab (1891-1937), into partnership as W Hunter McNab & Son.
William Hunter McNab was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (FRIBA) in 1906. throughout his career as an architect he lived and worked in Glasgow. He died in Surrey, England in 1935.
Headquarters and Drill Halls for 6th Volunteer Battalion, the Highland Light Infantry, Yorkhill Glasgow; business premises and offices, St. Vincent and Wellington Streets, Glasgow: warehouse and dwellings (Royal Tartan House) George and Argyle Streets, Oban, Argyllshire; new chancel, transept, vestries, &c, Catholic Apostolic Church, Butterbiggins Road, Glasgow; residence, Spring Kell Avenue, Pollokshields, Glasgow; private chapel and mausoleum, Glendaranel, Argyllshire. [Source: Who's Who in Architecture 1914]
See also Dictionary of Scottish Architects 1660-1980 [link below]
Directory of British Architects 1834-1914. Compiled by Antonia Brodie, et al. Volume 2: L-Z. London; New York: British Architectural Library, Royal Institute of British Architects/Continuum, 2001
‘Obituary’. The Architects’ Journal vol. 82, 12 December 1935 p. 872
‘Obituary’. The Builder vol. 149, 20 December 1935 p. 1096
Who’s Who in Architecture 1914. London: Technical Journals Ltd., 1914