Sutcliffe, Frederick 1890 - 1958

Frederick Sutcliffe was born on 1 April 1890 and was articled to Charles Ernest Elcock (1878-1944) in London.   From 1923 he was in partnership with Elcock as Elcock & Sutcliffe.  They remained in partnership until at least 1939.

Sutcliffe was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (FRIBA) in 1939.  His address was 33, Cator Road, Sydenham, London in 1923; Avenue House, 21, Northumberland Avenue, London in 1926; and Adam House, 60 Strand, London and Hatton Cottage Lubbock Road, Chislehurst, Kent in 1939.  He died in Surrey in 1958

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