Howard V. Lobb & Partners 1950 - ?

Howard V. Lobb & Partners was was an architectural firm founded in London, England in 1950 by the architect Howard Leslie Vicars Lobb (1909-1992).

See also: Lobb, Howard Leslie Vicars

Worked in

The British Government pavilion at the Exposition Universelle et Internationale (Expo 58) in Brussels in 1958, the Headquarters of the City and Guilds of London Institute, the Grandstand for Lepardstown Racecource in Leapardstown, Co. Dublin (1971), the Headquarters of the British Council in London, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, the Royal Yachting Association National Yacht Racing Centre and Nuclear Power Stations at Dungerness, Hunterston and Inverkep.

Howard V. Lobb & Partners also designed numerous schools for various county authorites. Howard V. Lobb & Partner later became the Lobb Partnership and Lobb Sports Architecture and were responsible for designing several sports stadia.

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