Noel Pyman was born Hartlepool, Durham, England on 29 December 1904. Nothing is known about his training as an architect. In 1929 he joined the architects Sydney Decimus Kitson (1871-1937) James Parish (1875-1933) and William Armitage Ledgard (1889-1963) in their practice in Leeds, Yorkshire to form Kitson, Parish, Ledgard & Pyman.
Pryman was elected a Licentiate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (LRIBA) in 1938. He was also a member of the West Yorkshire Architects Association and its President in 1952
His address was given as Lloyds Bank Chambers, Vicar Lane, Leeds in 1939; and The White House, Lands Lane, Knaresborough, Yorkshire in 1970. He died on 16 December 1970. His death was recorded in Claro, Yorkshire
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